FAQ Category: Clinical Aspects

Should parents check for it?

It is possible that your child has already had his or her hearing tested, either as part of a newborn screening program (in some areas) or as part of their ongoing medical workup. If a…

Will my child become deaf?

It would be unusual for a child -or adult- with Costello syndrome to become deaf. Your child?s doctor should consider other genetic or environmental causes of deafness.

Can you tell me about the eye problems in Costello syndrome?

Almost all children with Costello syndrome have eye issues. They include common problems such as refractive errors, strabismus, amblyopia, and rarer disorders such as nystagmus and optic nerve anomalies. An abnormal head posture may be…

What kind of eye problems have been seen in Costello Syndrome?

Refractive errors happen if light rays are not focused on the retina (light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) that converts light to nerve impulses enabling our brains to see clearly. The types…

Will my child need glasses?

Your child may need glasses if there is a refractive error or for correction of strabismus.